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// 褰撳墠婊氬姩鏂瑰悜 this.view = this.config.view; this.config.length = this.config.list.length; this.config.flick = this.view ? this.view.find(".bannerStyle_1 .flicking_con > a") : undefined; }; // 璁$畻涓嬩竴涓鏄剧ず鐨勫浘鐗囩殑绱㈠紩 // by: 濡傛灉娌℃湁浼犲叆鍙傛暟, 鍒欎娇鐢ㄩ厤缃腑鐨勬暟鎹畉his.config.current, 鍚﹀垯浣跨敤浼犲叆鐨勫弬鏁 Banner.prototype.nextIndex = function(by) { by === undefined && (by = this.config.current); var next = this.direction == 'right' ? by + 1 : by - 1; next >= this.config.length && (next = 0); next < 0 && (next = this.config.length - 1); return next; }; //鍥剧墖閾炬帴 $url_html = new Array(); $i = 0; $url_len = 1; $url_html[0] = ""; $('#banner_style_01_1680747940763 a.img_url').attr('href',$url_html[$i]); // 璺冲埌鎸囧畾鍥剧墖 Banner.prototype.animateIndex = function(index) { this.endAnimate(); if(index >= 0 && index < this.config.length && this.config.current != index) { if(this.config.current < index) { this.direction = 'right'; this.config.current = index - 1; } else { this.direction = 'left'; this.config.current = index + 1; 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break; case 'rotate-3d': // 3D鏃嬭浆鏁堟灉 this.updateFaceBottonTopImg(index); this.config.flick.eq(index).addClass("on").siblings().removeClass("on"); break; } }; /* * ******************************************** * 3D鏃嬭浆鏁堟灉 鐗规湁鍑芥暟 begin */ // 姣忔鏃嬭浆鍓嶉兘闇€瑕佹洿鏂拌儗閮ㄧ殑鍥剧墖 Banner.prototype.updateBgImg = function() { // 璁$畻鑳岄儴瑕佹樉绀虹殑鍥剧墖 var bg_image_index = this.nextIndex(this.nextIndex()); // index: 璁$畻鑳屾櫙鍥剧墖褰撳墠鏄剧ず鍦ㄥ摢涓猧mg涓? 鎬诲叡鏈?涓浘鐗? 鍒嗗埆浣嶄簬姝i潰/搴曢儴/鑳岄儴/椤堕儴, 绱㈠紩鍒嗗埆涓?, 1, 2, 3 ) var c, index = (c = (this.rotate + 2) % 4) >= 0 ? c : c + 4; var banner = this; // console.log('绗?,index,'涓潰-浣跨敤鏇存柊涓虹',bg_image_index,'寮犲浘'); this.parts && this.parts.each(function () { $(this).find('.img:eq('+index+')').css({'background-image': 'url("'+banner.config.list[bg_image_index]+'")'}); }); }; // 鏇存柊姝i潰/椤堕儴/搴曢儴鐨勫浘鐗 // index: 瑕佹樉绀哄摢寮犲浘鐗 // 澶囨敞: 鍥犱负鎬诲叡鏈夊洓涓潰鐨勫浘鐗囬渶瑕佹洿鏂? 鍒濆鍖栨椂, 姝i潰/椤堕儴/搴曢儴鐨勫浘鐗囧彧闇€鏇存柊涓€娆″嵆鍙 (鑳岄儴鐨勫浘鐗囧湪姣忔鏃嬭浆鍓嶉兘闇€瑕佹洿鏂? Banner.prototype.updateFaceBottonTopImg = function(index) { // face, bottom, top: 璁$畻姝i潰/椤堕儴/搴曢儴鍥剧墖褰撳墠鏄剧ず鍦ㄥ摢涓猧mg涓? 鎬诲叡鏈?涓浘鐗? 鍒嗗埆浣嶄簬姝i潰/搴曢儴/鑳岄儴/椤堕儴, 绱㈠紩鍒嗗埆涓?, 1, 2, 3 ) var c, face = (c = this.rotate % 4) >= 0 ? c : c + 4, bottom, top; bottom = face + 1; bottom >= this.config.length && (bottom = 0); top = face - 1; top < 0 && (top = this.config.length - 1); var banner = this; this.parts && this.parts.each(function () { // console.log('绗?,face,'涓潰-浣跨敤鏇存柊涓虹',index,'寮犲浘'); $(this).find('.img:eq('+face+')').css({'background-image': 'url("'+banner.config.list[index]+'")'}); // console.log('绗?,bottom,'涓潰-浣跨敤鏇存柊涓虹',index < banner.config.length - 1 ? index + 1 : 0,'寮犲浘'); $(this).find('.img:eq('+bottom+')').css({'background-image': 'url("'+banner.config.list[index < banner.config.length - 1 ? index + 1 : 0]+'")'}); // console.log('绗?,top,'涓潰-浣跨敤鏇存柊涓虹',index > 0 ? index - 1 : banner.config.length - 1,'寮犲浘'); $(this).find('.img:eq('+top+')').css({'background-image': 'url("'+banner.config.list[index > 0 ? index - 1 : banner.config.length - 1]+'")'}); }); }; // 鍒濆鍖栨棆杞儴鍒咜 璁剧疆3d鏃嬭浆鐨勫洓涓潰鐨勫浘鐗? index琛ㄧず榛樿鏄剧ず鍝紶鍥剧墖 Banner.prototype.initImgPart = function(index) { var banner = this; this.parts && this.parts.each(function () { $(this).find('.img').each(function (i) { var j = 0; switch (i) { case 0: j = index; break; // 姝i潰 case 1: j = index + 1; break; // 搴曢儴 case 2: break; // 鑳岄儴 case 3: j = index - 1; break; // 椤堕儴 } j >= banner.config.length && (j = 0); j < 0 && (j = banner.config.length - 1); $(this).css({'background-image': 'url("'+banner.config.list[j]+'")', 'background-repeat':'no-repeat', 'background-color':'#fff'}); }); }); }; // 鏇存柊鏃嬭浆閮ㄥ垎: 涔嬫墍浠ヤ娇鐢ㄥ畾鏃跺櫒, 鏄洜涓烘棤娉曞疄鏃惰幏鍙栨ā鍧楀搴 Banner.prototype.updateImgPart = function() { this.parts && this.parts.each(function(index) { $(this).css({ "left":$(this).width() * index + "px" }); $(this).find(".img").css({ "background-position": -$(this).width() * index + "px" }); }); var banner = this; setTimeout(function () { banner.updateImgPart(); }, 800); }; /* * 3D鏃嬭浆鏁堟灉 鐗规湁鍑芥暟 end * ******************************************** */ // 鍥剧墖鏁版嵁 var list_banner_style_01_1680747940763 = []; 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